\n'; if (item == "separator") { content += ( dTag + '\n\n'); } else if (childMenu) { content += ( dTag + dText + '
\n'); } else { content += ( dTag + dText + ''); } countItems++; } content += '
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l.document.layers[1].top = l.document.layers[0].top + 1; } else if (l.document.layers.length > 2) { l.childMenu = container.menus[i].items[n].menuLayer; l.icon = proto.childMenuIcon; l.iconHilite = proto.childMenuIconHilite; l.document.layers[2].left = l.clip.width -13; l.document.layers[2].top = (l.clip.height / 2) -4; l.document.layers[2].clip.left += 3; l.Menu.childMenus[l.Menu.childMenus.length] = l.childMenu; } } body.document.bgColor = proto.bgColor; body.clip.width = l.clip.width +1; body.clip.height = l.top + l.clip.height +1; body.document.layers[n].clip.width = body.clip.width; body.document.layers[n].captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); // body.document.layers[n].onmousedown = proto.onMenuItemDown; // body.document.layers[n].onfocus = proto.onMenuItemDown; body.document.layers[n].onmouseout = proto.onMenuItemOut; body.document.layers[n].Menu = l.Menu; body.document.layers[n].top = -30; menu.document.bgColor = proto.menuBorderBgColor; menu.document.layers[0].document.bgColor = proto.menuLiteBgColor; menu.document.layers[0].clip.width = body.clip.width +1; menu.document.layers[0].clip.height = body.clip.height +1; menu.clip.width = body.clip.width + (proto.menuBorder * 2) +1; menu.clip.height = body.clip.height + (proto.menuBorder * 2) +1; if (menu.Menu.enableTracker) { menu.Menu.disableHide = true; nn_setMenuTracker(menu.Menu); } } } else if (is_ns6) { var menuCount = 0; container.onmouseout = this.hideMenu; for (var x=0; x0) l.style.top = parseInt(document.getElementById("menuItem" + (menuCount -1)).style.top) + parseInt(document.getElementById("menuItem" + (menuCount -1)).style.height) + proto.menuItemBorder; l.style.fontSize = proto.fontSize; l.style.backgroundColor = proto.menuItemBgColor; l.style.visibility = "inherit"; l.saveColor = proto.menuItemBgColor; l.menuHiliteBgColor = proto.menuHiliteBgColor; l.action = container.menus[x].actions[i]; l.hilite = document.getElementById("menuItemHilite" + menuCount); l.focusItem = document.getElementById("focusItem" + x); l.focusItem.style.top = -30; l.mouseover = l.Menu.mouseovers[x]; l.mouseout = l.Menu.mouseouts[x]; var childItem = document.getElementById("childMenu" + menuCount); if (childItem) { l.childMenu = container.menus[x].items[i].menuLayer; childItem.style.left = parseInt(l.style.width) -11; childItem.style.top = (parseInt(l.style.height) /2) -4; childItem.style.width = 30 || 7; childItem.style.clip = "rect(0 7 7 3)"; l.Menu.childMenus[l.Menu.childMenus.length] = l.childMenu; } var sep = document.getElementById["menuSeparator" + menuCount]; if (sep) { sep.style.clip = "rect(0 " + (proto.menuItemWidth - 3) + " 1 0)"; sep.style.backgroundColor = proto.bgColor; sep = document.getElementById["menuSeparatorLite" + menuCount]; sep.style.clip = "rect(1 " + (proto.menuItemWidth - 3) + " 2 0)"; sep.style.backgroundColor = proto.menuLiteBgColor; l.style.height = proto.menuItemHeight/2; l.isSeparator = true } menuCount++; } proto.menuHeight = (parseInt(l.style.top) + parseInt(l.style.height)); var lite = document.getElementById("menuLite" + x); lite.style.height = proto.menuHeight +2; lite.style.width = proto.menuItemWidth + 2; lite.style.backgroundColor = proto.menuLiteBgColor; var body = document.getElementById("menuFg" + x); body.style.height = proto.menuHeight + 1; body.style.width = proto.menuItemWidth + 1; body.style.backgroundColor = proto.bgColor; container.menus[x].menuLayer.style.width = proto.menuWidth || proto.menuItemWidth + (proto.menuBorder * 2) +2; container.menus[x].menuLayer.style.height = proto.menuHeight + (proto.menuBorder * 2) +2; if (menu.Menu.enableTracker) { menu.Menu.disableHide = true; nn_setMenuTracker(menu.Menu); } } document.getElementById("menuContainer").style.backgroundColor = container.menus[0].menuContainerBgColor; // container.document.saveBgColor = container.document.bgColor; } else if (container.document.all) { var menuCount = 0; for (var x=0; x0) l.style.pixelTop = container.document.all["menuItem" + (menuCount -1)].style.pixelTop + container.document.all["menuItem" + (menuCount -1)].style.pixelHeight + proto.menuItemBorder; 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sep = container.document.all["menuSeparatorLite" + menuCount]; sep.style.clip = "rect(1 " + (proto.menuItemWidth - 3) + " 2 0)"; sep.style.backgroundColor = proto.menuLiteBgColor; l.style.pixelHeight = proto.menuItemHeight/2; l.isSeparator = true } menuCount++; } proto.menuHeight = (l.style.pixelTop + l.style.pixelHeight); var lite = container.document.all["menuLite" + x]; lite.style.pixelHeight = proto.menuHeight +2; lite.style.pixelWidth = proto.menuItemWidth + 2; lite.style.backgroundColor = proto.menuLiteBgColor; var body = container.document.all["menuFg" + x]; body.style.pixelHeight = proto.menuHeight + 1; body.style.pixelWidth = proto.menuItemWidth + 1; body.style.backgroundColor = proto.bgColor; container.menus[x].menuLayer.style.pixelWidth = proto.menuWidth || proto.menuItemWidth + (proto.menuBorder * 2) +2; container.menus[x].menuLayer.style.pixelHeight = proto.menuHeight + (proto.menuBorder * 2) +2; if (menu.Menu.enableTracker) { menu.Menu.disableHide = true; nn_setMenuTracker(menu.Menu); } } container.document.all("menuContainer").style.backgroundColor = container.menus[0].menuContainerBgColor; container.document.saveBgColor = container.document.bgColor; } window.wroteMenu = true; } function nn_onMenuItemOver(e, l, a) { var is_ns4 = navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape', 0) != -1 && !document.getElementById; var is_ns6 = navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape', 0) != -1 && document.getElementById; l = l || this; a = a || window.ActiveMenuItem; if (is_ns4) { if (a) { a.document.bgColor = a.saveColor; if (a.hilite) a.hilite.visibility = "hidden"; if (a.childMenu) a.document.layers[1].document.images[0].src = a.icon; } else { a = new Object(); } if (this.mouseover && this.id != a.id) { if (this.mouseover.length > 4) { var ext = this.mouseover.substring(this.mouseover.length-4); if (ext == ".gif" || ext == ".jpg") { this.document.layers[1].document.images[0].src = this.mouseover; } else { eval("" + this.mouseover); } } } if (l.hilite) { l.document.bgColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor; l.zIndex = 1; l.hilite.visibility = "inherit"; l.hilite.zIndex = 2; l.document.layers[1].zIndex = 1; l.focusItem.zIndex = this.zIndex +2; } l.focusItem.top = this.top; l.Menu.hideChildMenu(l); } else if (is_ns6) { // document.onmousedown=l.Menu.onMenuItemDown; if (a) { a.style.backgroundColor = a.saveColor; if (a.hilite) a.hilite.style.visibility = "hidden"; } else { a = new Object(); } if (l.mouseover && l.id != a.id) { if (l.mouseover.length > 4) { var ext = l.mouseover.substring(l.mouseover.length-4); if (ext == ".gif" || ext == ".jpg") { l.document.images[l.id + "Img"].src = l.mouseover; } else { eval("" + l.mouseover); } } } if (l.isSeparator) return; l.style.backgroundColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor; if (l.hilite) { l.style.backgroundColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor; l.hilite.style.visibility = "inherit"; } l.focusItem.style.top = parseInt(l.style.pixelTop); l.focusItem.style.zIndex = l.zIndex +1; l.zIndex = 1; l.Menu.hideChildMenu(l); } else if (document.all && l.Menu) { // document.onmousedown=l.Menu.onMenuItemDown; if (a) { a.style.backgroundColor = a.saveColor; if (a.hilite) a.hilite.style.visibility = "hidden"; } else { a = new Object(); } if (l.mouseover && l.id != a.id) { if (l.mouseover.length > 4) { var ext = l.mouseover.substring(l.mouseover.length-4); if (ext == ".gif" || ext == ".jpg") { l.document.images[l.id + "Img"].src = l.mouseover; } else { eval("" + l.mouseover); } } } if (l.isSeparator) return; l.style.backgroundColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor; if (l.hilite) { l.style.backgroundColor = l.menuHiliteBgColor; l.hilite.style.visibility = "inherit"; } l.focusItem.style.pixelTop = l.style.pixelTop; l.focusItem.style.zIndex = l.zIndex +1; l.zIndex = 1; l.Menu.hideChildMenu(l); } window.ActiveMenuItem = l; l.Menu.visited = true; } function nn_onMenuItemOut(e, l, a) { var is_ns4 = navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape', 0) != -1 && !document.getElementById; var is_ns6 = navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape', 0) != -1 && document.getElementById; l = l || this; a = a || window.ActiveMenuItem; if (l.id.indexOf("focusItem")) { if (a && l.top) { l.top = -30; if (a.mouseout && a.id != l.id) { if (a.mouseout.length > 4) { var ext = a.mouseout.substring(a.mouseout.length-4); if (ext == ".gif" || ext == ".jpg") { a.document.layers[1].document.images[0].src = a.mouseout; } else { eval("" + a.mouseout); } } } } else if (a && l.style) { document.onmousedown=null; window.event.cancelBubble=true; if (l.mouseout) { if (l.mouseout.length > 4) { var ext = l.mouseout.substring(l.mouseout.length-4); if (ext == ".gif" || ext == ".jpg") { l.document.images[l.id + "Img"].src = l.mouseout; } else { eval("" + l.mouseout); } } } } } } function nn_onMenuItemAction(e, l) { l = window.ActiveMenuItem; if (!l) return; if (!ActiveMenu.Menu.disableHide) nn_hideActiveMenus(ActiveMenu.menuLayer); if (l.action) { eval("" + l.action); } } function nn_showMenu(menu, x, y, child) { if (!window.wroteMenu) return; var is_ns4 = navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape', 0) != -1 && !document.getElementById; var is_ns6 = navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape', 0) != -1 && document.getElementById; if (is_ns4) { if (menu) { var l = menu.menuLayer || menu; if (typeof(menu) == "string") { for (var n=0; n < menuContainers.length; n++) { l = menuContainers[n].menus[menu]; for (var i=0; i 0) nn_showMenu(null, "relative", "relative", l.layers[i]); } if (l.parentLayer) { if (x != "relative") l.parentLayer.left = x || window.pageX || 0; if (l.parentLayer.left + l.clip.width > window.innerWidth) l.parentLayer.left -= (l.parentLayer.left + l.clip.width - window.innerWidth); if (y != "relative") l.parentLayer.top = y || window.pageY || 0; if (l.parentLayer.isContainer) { l.Menu.xOffset = window.pageXOffset; l.Menu.yOffset = window.pageYOffset; l.parentLayer.clip.width = window.ActiveMenu.clip.width +2; l.parentLayer.clip.height = window.ActiveMenu.clip.height +2; if (l.parentLayer.menuContainerBgColor) l.parentLayer.document.bgColor = l.parentLayer.menuContainerBgColor; } } l.visibility = "inherit"; if (l.Menu) l.Menu.container.visibility = "inherit"; } else if (is_ns6) { var l = menu.menuLayer || menu; nn_hideActiveMenus(l); if (typeof(menu) == "string") { l = document.getElementById(menu); for (var n=0; n < menuContainers.length; n++) { l = menuContainers[n].menus[menu]; for (var i=0; i= e.pageX-3 && mDrag.oldY <= e.pageY+3 && mDrag.oldY >= e.pageY-3) { if (a.action && window.ActiveMenu) setTimeout('window.ActiveMenu.Menu.onMenuItemAction();', 2); } else if (document.saveMousemove == mDrag.doMenuDrag) { if (window.ActiveMenu) return true; }*/ } else if (window.ActiveMenu && is_ns6) { // exception, check mouse pos and do not hide menu if (e && window.ActiveMenu) { if (!e.clientX) return true; var ex, ey; ex = e.clientX + window.pageXOffset; ey = e.clientY + window.pageYOffset; for (var i=0; i < window.activeMenus.length; i++) { if (!activeMenus[i]) return true; l = activeMenus[i].Menu.container.style; var l_left = parseInt(l.left); var l_top = parseInt(l.top); var l_width = parseInt(l.width); var l_height = parseInt(l.height); if ((ex < l_left || l_left + l_width < ex || ey < l_top || l_top + l_height < ey) && activeMenus[i].Menu.visited) { if (activeMenus[i].visibility && activeMenus[i].Menu) { activeMenus[i].visibility = "hidden"; activeMenus[i].Menu.container.visibility = "hidden"; activeMenus[i].Menu.container.clip.left = 0; } else if (activeMenus[i].style) { activeMenus[i].style.visibility = "hidden"; } } } return true; } document.onmousedown=null; if (a) { a.style.backgroundColor = a.saveColor; if (a.hilite) a.hilite.style.visibility = "hidden"; } // if (document.saveMousemove == mDrag.doMenuDrag) { // return true; // } } else if (window.ActiveMenu && (is_ns6 || document.all)) { document.onmousedown=null; if (a) { a.style.backgroundColor = a.saveColor; if (a.hilite) a.hilite.style.visibility = "hidden"; } // if (document.saveMousemove == mDrag.doMenuDrag) { // return true; // } } if (window.ActiveMenu) { if (window.ActiveMenu.Menu) { if (window.ActiveMenu.Menu.disableHide) return true; e = window.event || e; if (!window.ActiveMenu.Menu.enableHideOnMouseOut && e.type == "mouseout") return true; } } nn_hideActiveMenus(l); return true; } function nn_hideChildMenu(menuLayer) { var is_ns4 = navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape', 0) != -1 && !document.getElementById; var is_ns6 = navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape', 0) != -1 && document.getElementById; var l = menuLayer || this; for (var i=0; i < l.Menu.childMenus.length; i++) { if (is_ns4) { l.Menu.childMenus[i].visibility = "hidden"; } else if (is_ns6 || document.all) { l.Menu.childMenus[i].style.visibility = "hidden"; } l.Menu.childMenus[i].Menu.hideChildMenu(l.Menu.childMenus[i]); } if (l.childMenu) { if (is_ns4) { l.Menu.container.document.bgColor = null; l.Menu.showMenu(null,null,null,l.childMenu.layers[0]); l.childMenu.zIndex = l.parentLayer.zIndex +1; l.childMenu.top = l.top + l.parentLayer.top + l.Menu.menuLayer.top; if (l.childMenu.left + l.childMenu.clip.width > window.innerWidth) { l.childMenu.left = l.parentLayer.left - l.childMenu.clip.width + l.Menu.menuLayer.top + 15; l.Menu.container.clip.left -= l.childMenu.clip.width; } else if (l.Menu.childMenuDirection == "left") { l.childMenu.left = l.parentLayer.left - l.parentLayer.clip.width; l.Menu.container.clip.left -= l.childMenu.clip.width; } else { l.childMenu.left = l.parentLayer.left + l.parentLayer.clip.width + l.Menu.menuLayer.left -5; } l.Menu.container.clip.width += l.childMenu.clip.width +100; l.Menu.container.clip.height += l.childMenu.clip.height; l.document.layers[1].zIndex = 0; l.document.layers[1].document.images[0].src = l.iconHilite; l.childMenu.visibility = "inherit"; } else if (is_ns6) { l.childMenu.style.zIndex = l.Menu.menuLayer.style.zIndex +1; l.childMenu.style.top = parseInt(l.style.top) + parseInt(l.Menu.menuLayer.style.top); if (parseInt(l.childMenu.style.left) + parseInt(l.childMenu.style.width) > parseInt(document.width)) { l.childMenu.style.left = parseInt(l.childMenu.style.width) + parseInt(l.Menu.menuLayer.style.top) + 15; } else if (l.Menu.childMenuDirection == "left") { // l.childMenu.style.pixelLeft = l.parentLayer.left - l.parentLayer.clip.width; } else { l.childMenu.style.left = parseInt(l.Menu.menuLayer.style.width) + parseInt(l.Menu.menuLayer.style.left)-5; } l.childMenu.style.visibility = "inherit"; } else if (document.all) { l.childMenu.style.zIndex = l.Menu.menuLayer.style.zIndex +1; l.childMenu.style.pixelTop = l.style.pixelTop + l.Menu.menuLayer.style.pixelTop; if (l.childMenu.style.pixelLeft + l.childMenu.style.pixelWidth > document.width) { l.childMenu.style.pixelLeft = l.childMenu.style.pixelWidth + l.Menu.menuLayer.style.pixelTop + 15; } else if (l.Menu.childMenuDirection == "left") { // l.childMenu.style.pixelLeft = l.parentLayer.left - l.parentLayer.clip.width; } else { l.childMenu.style.pixelLeft = l.Menu.menuLayer.style.pixelWidth + l.Menu.menuLayer.style.pixelLeft -5; } l.childMenu.style.visibility = "inherit"; } if (!l.childMenu.disableHide) window.activeMenus[window.activeMenus.length] = l.childMenu; } } function nn_hideActiveMenus(l) { if (!window.activeMenus) return; for (var i=0; i < window.activeMenus.length; i++) { if (!activeMenus[i]) return; if (activeMenus[i].visibility && activeMenus[i].Menu) { activeMenus[i].visibility = "hidden"; activeMenus[i].Menu.container.visibility = "hidden"; activeMenus[i].Menu.container.clip.left = 0; } else if (activeMenus[i].style) { activeMenus[i].style.visibility = "hidden"; } } document.onmousemove = nn_mouseTracker; window.activeMenus.length = 0; } function nn_hs_onmenuout() { if (!document.all) return; e = window.event; if (!e) return; if (!window.activeMenus) return; var ex, ey; ex = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft; ey = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; for (var i=0; i < window.activeMenus.length; i++) { if (!activeMenus[i]) return; l = activeMenus[i].Menu.container.style; if ((ex < l.pixelLeft || l.pixelLeft+l.pixelWidth < ex || ey < l.pixelTop || l.pixelTop+l.pixelHeight < ey) && activeMenus[i].Menu.visited) { if (activeMenus[i].visibility && activeMenus[i].Menu) { activeMenus[i].visibility = "hidden"; activeMenus[i].Menu.container.visibility = "hidden"; activeMenus[i].Menu.container.clip.left = 0; } else if (activeMenus[i].style) { activeMenus[i].style.visibility = "hidden"; } } } } function nn_hs_hidemenu(element) { if (!document.all) return; e = window.event; var ex, ey; ex = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft; ey = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; for (var i=0; i < window.activeMenus.length; i++) { if (!activeMenus[i]) return; l = activeMenus[i].Menu.container.style; if (ex < l.pixelLeft || l.pixelLeft+l.pixelWidth < ex || ey < l.pixelTop || l.pixelTop+l.pixelHeight < ey) { if (activeMenus[i].visibility && activeMenus[i].Menu) { activeMenus[i].visibility = "hidden"; activeMenus[i].Menu.container.visibility = "hidden"; activeMenus[i].Menu.container.clip.left = 0; nn_hideActiveMenus(); } else if (activeMenus[i].style) { activeMenus[i].style.visibility = "hidden"; } } } } function nn_mouseTracker(e) { e = e || window.Event || window.event; window.pageX = e.pageX || e.clientX; window.pageY = e.pageY || e.clientY; nn_hs_onmenuout(); } function nn_setMouseTracker() { if (document.captureEvents) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE|Event.MOUSEUP); } document.onmousemove = this.mouseTracker; document.onmouseup = this.hideMenu; } function nn_setMenuTracker(menu) { if (!window.menuTrackers) window.menuTrackers = new Array(); menuTrackers[menuTrackers.length] = menu; window.menuTrackerID = setInterval('menuTracker()',10); } function nn_menuTracker() { for (var i=0; i < menuTrackers.length; i++) { if (!isNaN(menuTrackers[i].xOffset) && document.layers) { var off = parseInt((menuTrackers[i].xOffset - window.pageXOffset) / 10); if (isNaN(off)) off = 0; if (off < 0) { menuTrackers[i].container.left += -off; menuTrackers[i].xOffset += -off; } else if (off > 0) { menuTrackers[i].container.left += -off; menuTrackers[i].xOffset += -off; } } if (!isNaN(menuTrackers[i].yOffset) && document.layers) { var off = parseInt((menuTrackers[i].yOffset - window.pageYOffset) / 10); if (isNaN(off)) off = 0; if (off < 0) { menuTrackers[i].container.top += -off; menuTrackers[i].yOffset += -off; } else if (off > 0) { menuTrackers[i].container.top += -off; menuTrackers[i].yOffset += -off; } } if (!isNaN(menuTrackers[i].xOffset) && document.body) { var off = parseInt((menuTrackers[i].xOffset - document.body.scrollLeft) / 10); 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What is Life Coaching?

We have inside us the power to live extraordinary lives and often we can not see the way out of our current life situation. My job is to listen to what is really going on and ask the questions or use the techniques that enable you to discover your own wisdom and insight. This new knowledge is what enables my clients to transform any situation and live their dreams.

"the most fantastic and unimaginable part is that after just a few sessions I have a completely new outlook on my life. I feel that what I have now has never been this good." - Sarah -

Coaching is focused on where you are now and where you would like to be. If baggage from the past is preventing you from moving forward, we have powerful tools to undo it. When the baggage is cleared away you are free to achieve whatever you want.

"We can achieve what we can conceive and believe" - Mark Twain -

Coaching is personal development that is truly personal. We work on your issues, your life situation and use the techniques that are best suited to you as an individual.

Sessions are completely confidential between the coach and client. You are free to say as much or as little as you want. When you are honest with your coach, you are honest with yourself.

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